Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide

Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide

Product Details:


Product Description

With the chemical formula of C10H24BrN, a quaternary ammonium salt called Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide is useful in organic synthesis reactions where the reactants are not soluble in the same solvent. It is used as a phase transfer catalyst, as an antimicrobial agent in water treatment and disinfectants, in addition to the production of surfactants, detergents, and other specialty chemicals for use in several products, like personal care. This water-soluble, white or off-white crystalline powder also called Trimethylpropylammonium bromide is considered to be a low toxicity compound, but proper safety precautions should still be taken when handling it. It is important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment and to work in a well-ventilated area.


1. What is trimethylpropyl ammonium bromide?

Ans - An organic quaternary ammonium compound called trimethyl propyl ammonium bromide is utilised as a surfactant and an antistatic.

2. How is trimethylpropyl ammonium bromide used?

Ans - Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide is largely utilised as an antistatic agent and surfactant in a number of sectors, such as paper manufacturing, cosmetics manufacturing, and textile and leather processing.

3. Under what conditions should trimethylpropyl ammonium bromide be handled safely?

Ans - Gloves and safety glasses should always be worn when working with trimethylpropyl ammonium bromide. Additionally, as it can irritate skin and eyes, it's crucial to avoid contact with them.

4. How is bromide made of trimethylpropyl ammonium stored?

Ans - Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide should be kept out of direct sunlight in a cold, dry location. Additionally, it needs to be kept in a container with a tight seal.

5. What does Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide's chemical structure look like?

Ans - Trimethyl Propyl Ammonium Bromide has the chemical formula C8H21NBr. 

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